Sunday, July 29, 2007

After several weeks of craving, I finally succumbed to making these fabulous tostadas. They're the ideal nosh for hot summer days like the ones we're having in New York. I tweaked the recipe from for Chicken and Black Bean Guacamole Tostadas and came up with this totally crave-satisfying treat!

Friday, May 25, 2007

In the beginning

... there was the frantic search for an awe-inspiring identity handle to use for my blog. Almost anyone can start a blog they say. It's as simple as that! Oh yeah?

Out of insatiable curiosity and a mundane desire to join the masses of bloggers in my atomic universe, (even my teenage son had been nagging me the last three years to start a blog), I decided to throw caution to the wind and open an account. Gave myself a mental pat in the back and huffed some reassurance to myself that I am a heck of a great typist, and can fairly express my thoughts so off I went into uncharted territory. But first, I had to register and in order to do that, I needed a user name, a handle that would identify me to those seeking my posts! Ahhh... pardon me, but my ambitious streak is showing...but who would read my posts, I ask. And what would I write about? And a host of other questions and 45 minutes later, I had to remind myself that the hurdle of the user name definitely had to be addressed primarily before I could dip my fledgling blog pen into the comforting tide that is

Thus, emerged Inveigled Opulence. As the dictionary puts it: inveigle ~ to acquire, win, obtain, beguile, attract, influence. Opulence ~ wealth, affluence, abundance, riches, profusion. Together they resonate harmoniously and can mean different things to anyone. For me, for now, it means to coax a wealth of topics to write from here on end. Which direction to take? Wherever my passion of the moment takes me.